Hey tiny, I've been using OQ for awhile and been loving it but since the 1.8 I can't download it. I followed the step by step list you gave. I even downloaded it through multiple browsers (trying anything).. I unzip, drag and drop the folder into my addon folder.. I've even tried taking every individual file out of the folder.. /shrug. I've installed addons manually before but I'm not sure why even after i restart my wow or even computer for that matter... it doesn't come up on my addon list when I log in to the game. Thanks tiny
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MAC user - followed download steps. No go
make sure you're updating the right folder. remove any oQueue folder and start wow. check to make sure it's gone. then exit wow and keep your addon folder open.
next, go to the oQueue page and click download oQueue. when the zip file opens, you'll see a single oQueue folder. drag it to your desktop and close your browser. then drag the oQueue folder from your desktop into your addon folder next to all the others and restart our wow.
thats it
next, go to the oQueue page and click download oQueue. when the zip file opens, you'll see a single oQueue folder. drag it to your desktop and close your browser. then drag the oQueue folder from your desktop into your addon folder next to all the others and restart our wow.
thats it
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