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loot system

Hi everybody,

Starting raids nm with Oqueue, really great. The loot system is sets on Masterloot.

As I am used to dungeon or LFR system, I expected to see à window to roll dice on loot but noting shows on screen. It seems that I need to write in chat: /roll "name of the item" to roll, which I have done. But after cleaning 5 bosses, no loots, non even the result of my try on getting the loot that should normally appear in chat.. Just the scores of other players and the item going to someone.

Can somebody tell me what am I doing wrong ?

If they are /roll higher than you then the "master looter" aka raid leader will give it to them. You shouldn't get anything unless you got the highest roll.

Hi Warlockjen, thanks for answering^^

Actually, I am not sure about what I am supposed to do to participate to the roll.. Do I have to write in chat : /rand 100 "name of the item", or /rand 100 just after RL announcement in chat, or /roll "name of the item"… ?

You see, I understand that the highest number gets the loot but I think that I don't write the good command to participate :/

Can you help me ?

Well, I have to be honest I have not participated in master looting raids since vanilla. How it was done in the past is the RL would announce that [ITEM] needs to be rolled on and all you had to do was /roll and whoever got the highest won (unless you were using DKP methods but that is for another day :P). If you won, there is a way for the RL to say "give to mads360" for example (just a simple click away).

If anything has changed over the years I couldn't say, I didn't think that anything has changed but I could be wrong.

Did the RL announce for you to roll for a particular item?

Do you run any UI modifications which might be hiding the loot roll windows?

If the group loot is set to master looter. You will want to take special notice of the rolls which are being rolled. If you get the highest roll you should speakup and say that you won. Some group leaders will ignore the roll winner and just give it to their friends.

To participate in a master loot roll you can use the two following commands. They both do the same thing.


/roll 100

Both commands will roll a random number between 0 and 100.

/roll also does 1-100 ^.^

Does anyone know if /loot displays the loot from the boss if it is on ML?

Warlockhen, no, the RL did not announced anything; I just saw the items announced in the chat, results of other members at rand and final attributions. But now that I know the command to participate, I have some hope to get my chance; thanks for your help^^

ronburgundy, since I wrote /roll and tried also /rand, each time without adding "100", it can explain that my tries never appeared on chat; I have heard about RL that don't respect loot system, thanks for the advice ;-)