Karma Points

I really want to know how karma points works and why I keep losing it...

I'm not joining any premade (I'm leveling one druid alt) but i'm still losing one karma point per day. Any idea why this is happening?

Nevermind, just read about karma on other topic, but i can't cancel this one.

I was trying to find the thread where Ron explained it but I can't find it, hope that is what you read. Was very informative.

This one?


Well that explains a lot, that oqueue forum isn't listed on the forums section where it shows you the list of forums.

The addon specific forums only appear on their addon pages. It can be shown in the main list of forums but we decided to only show them on addon pages.

Open to suggestions on the subject.

Hmm I don't have any ideas, I just didn't know it even existed since it wasn't on the list. I generally just look at the topics going on through the list on the right.

lol to be honest that really all i do too xD.

I should probably make it so you can see a larger list of recent activity. +1 on the todo.

I think 20 might be nice but it is up to you guys. If you check frequently you won't miss anything if there are that many visable. Unless you start to get more traffic of course.

more traffic is always a good thing :)

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