Invited then removed, why is that?

I'm running 2.0.1, the newest version - this is a screenshot.. it gives me this error everytime I invite someone

@alecti what is your realm?

Draenor-EU - it worked before I updated to 2.0.1

it's complaining about InviteUnit with a name and realm. very odd.

this happens every time or just that once?

Every single time - been trying all day with addons disabled and reinstalling and removing options etc. people can't invite me either.. it seems that it's calling the inviteUnit function several times and thus accepting/declining itself


i've added a debug line so you'll be able to see what it's trying to invite. hopefully this will tell us what's going on. you'd just type '/oq debug' to toggle debugging and see the information when you invite. it'll also show when you receive an oQueue friend request, which let's you know you're at least getting a reply.

look for this in 2.0.1a

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