ilvl not showing up

So i have had this problem for couple updates now. When ever i inspect person, their ilvl doesnt show up on the bottom of the character screen. Is this supposed to be or is something wrong? Also gear highlight doesnt do anything, it used show pve/pvp gear with different colors but no longer does that.

Are you running an UI mods which modify the paper doll window?

There is a check box at the bottom of the paper doll window when you inspect someone to toggle the iLvL display.

as Ron mentioned, odds are you have another addon interferring with oQueue's ability to grab the info. try disabling all addons except oQueue and see if it works. if it does, then the trick would be to find which addon is conflicting.

if you find it, please drop us a note

I have had this happen on and off too, and I only use recount beside OQ when it comes to mods. I just inspected someone and it worked though so idk what causes it or under what circumstances it may occur. It won't show enchants/gems and it will say avg ilevel: 0 when it does occur.

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