Icebox will not work

Whenever I try to open Icebox to update OQueue it just continues to say "Waiting for Server Response". I have tried to redownload Icebox and it will not download saying it cannot find the file.

Hey serious. Are you running windows XP by any chance?

Icebox requires windows Vista or later.

I was just able to download icebox from the site, can you try refreshing your cache by pressing ctrl + f5?

I have the same problem. I have win 8.1.

Its not the first time this is happening to me either. but the last time it fixed it self after a day and I could get into icebox as usual the next day. Dont know what the problem was and I didnt get any more into it when it worked the day after. Hopefully it does the same thing this time. ^^

Icebox does the same for me just waiting on server. Downloaded the new version 0.0.9 and get a script error. I have windows 7

Line 1

Char 49506773

Error Object doesn't support property or method 'getElementsByClassName'

Code 0

Url bla bla bla

Hey Wolf, That kind of behaviour happens when the server gets under alot of load. Were working on improving performance so that we can handle more concurrent requests at one time.


There error you are seeing is from Internet Explorer. We use an embedded Internet Explorer in Icebox to display that add you see in the top right hand corner. We are looking for a better solution. But for the time being can you check that your Internet Explorer is up to date?

I use google chrome mostly I'll check.

I have ie version 11. for x64 and seems up to date

tried running as admin and also tried making ie default no change. the old version of icebox doesn't have the script error but still just sits looking for the server

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