Feature Request - WaitList as package deal button

I use OQ to join a lot of RBG groups. Sometimes YOLO. Sometimes not. I used to run my own semi-serious RBG groups with a group of about 8 Btag friends and we'd pug out the last 2-3 positions using OQ.
Now some of my friends have either left WoW for a time for whatever reason but there's still 3-4 of us season'd friends that would like the ability to waitlist for an RBG as a package deal.
I'd like a GUI where I could type in the Btag's of my friends (not all my friends have OQ installed) or select them from a list of Btags I had previously entered. Then I'd like the ability to browse through the RBG listings and waitlist in such a way that if the leader hits the invite button then all my listed friends and I get invites to the group. I'd suggest that the waitlist entry for our group include our stats for our characters currently online so that a leader can tell that they aren't inviting a group of ungeared toons without any rating etc... and they will know what classes/specs they are inviting.
I think that as a YOLO group leader I'd be incentivized to recruit packaged groups because they are more likely to be a little more coordinated than random single pugs. In the case of my friends and I we'd already be in vent together, calling incs to each other, being on the same target, etc...
comeon... just make your own premade... you will also be able to force all the other yolos folow /assist targets and call incs, and blacklist idiots

im not sure about RBG tho, in random bgs you can waitlist as a group of ppl who use oq as well
Sure I can make my own premade. But sometimes you just dont want to deal with that.

Sometimes you just want to join someone else's group as a small group of friends and not have to deal with the overhead of creating the group yourself.

Also, this isnt a feature I'm requesting just for YOLO. There's a lot more expectation levied on the Raid Leader when it's a rating push group or even low MMR with VoiP group.
YOLOS are generally throw away groups for easy Conquest points, not for organized play.  I don't really see the point in bringing a packaged deal since there is rarely any coordiation or interest to play well.  If you get into a regular RBG group and they are looking for people, you can suggest bringing your friends, although the comp might not be what they are looking for.  Which brings up the problem of you not being taken due to the fact they don't need one or two of the other classes you're sitting in a group with.

The only solution is to make your own RBG group and find a good DK target caller.  Take it from someone who runs RBGs frequently who would never use the feature you're suggesting due to the need for specific comps.
OK I hear ya.
So you want a feture that applies in the extremely rare case of a big enough group to fit you and your buddies that are too lazy to get oqueue. 

So sure, if your big group of friends is so lazy, that'd be great. but then we are talking 4+ people with you. What premade maker is going to magically need you and your friends to fit his perfect comp, is highly unlikely. So you're requesting a feature that is pretty much useless, and no one is going to need it, maybe for world bosses though. lol. 

And if its just you and your friend, why not spend the 2 mins it takes to get oqueue? Or join the group and be like " hey i have a friend, pass me assist, ill get him in "
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