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Feature Request

Firstly, 1.8.4, amazing release. You guys are awesome!

Secondly, if you ever want another developer to help, feel free to hit me up.  I help on a couple other add ons.

Finally, feature request, I love the new "filters" that you've added beyond just the premade type.  

For each premade type, there are a specific set of possible "subtypes" that I would generally classify as zones.  For instance, in the "raid" type, you would have each of current max level raid's that are queueable (right now it's "SOO Flex 1", "SOO LFR 1" etc).  "Battleground" type it would be the list of each battle ground.  You could split it up into two levels of subtypes if you wanted, but I think it would be better to just keep it simple.

This would allow you to shorten the maximum length of the premade name (in fact, you could nearly get rid of it with all of the extra info you've added recently).  Of course this sub type would be optional or there would always be an "Other" value.

I understand that this means that the actual list of subtypes will become out of date with nearly every patch release, however oQueue has to be updated with each patch usually anyway, plus the "Other" value would end up covering people who hadn't updated.  You could even distribute the updated list of subcategories over the mesh using some kind of versioning scheme so that it would always be up to date as long as anyone in the mesh was up to date.  As long as you use only a single byte to store the subtype identifier, it wouldn't increase the message size nearly at all.