Error: "One or more of your toons could not be retrieved from th

"One or more of your toons could not be retrieved from the WoW Armory."

I started having this error pop up after login a few days ago with no effect on my raffle ticket progress, but now my ticket progress is resolutely stuck at 96% despite having run a butt-ton ton of heroic dungeons between yesterday's login and today's. I tried deleting each of my linked toons and re-adding them, and it seems that Kaiza-Uldum-US is the problem toon. I saw from another thread (<- thread link) a while back that their problem had to do with recently-linked realms, but Uldum has been linked with Antonidas for months and this error only manifested within the last week. What can I do to fix this?

So it seems like you are able to claim Kaiza, but when you check your score it indicates that Kaiza could not be retrieved? Or are you not able to claim Kaiza at all?

If there is a problem it is either a bug in my code, or the Armory could not be reached. If you are able to claim Kaiza, that indicates there is a bug in my code. Withen the next 48 hours we are launching the new version of the site which has the character integration re-done, so that will most likely solve any issues, and hopefully not create more.
If it is a problem on Bliz's end... nothing. And it sounds like it is if it involves armory.

Not sure what the problem would be though considering it says your armory was last updated today.

Also, I don't think heroic dungeons give ticket progress.

i made a link! moving up in the world. btw, it took about 3 weeks for my realms armory to be fixed. also, i like the new site. been checking for possible login daily.

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