Error Installing Keyclone Windows 7 64bit

Hi there.
When I try to run the download file keyclone_1.9i.exe on Windows 7 64 bit, i get the message that it is not compatible with my version of windows. It has to do with the installer - Some people have right clicked on the file and used the compatibility test option. It did not work for me and with admin nothing to do the same situation. I have been using keyclone for years and have a couple licenses and never i did a problem. Pls help me, Keyclone is the best for fun and play world of warcraft. thx a lot.
i use win7 64bit every day and don't have this issue. is the error message from windows or your anti-virus software?

is there a 'more info', 'more actions', or 'run anyway' option?
The Error message is from windows. Not compatible with my version of windows. Ask to check the version and then call the service of the program. But i ever used keiclone past version here without never problems. This download 1.9i.exe no way.

Hi, I too am having this issue with Windows 8.1 64-bit.
Running the installer gives the folllowing message:

This app can't run on your PC.
To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.

There is no option to install anyway or bypass the error. I tried under different compatibility modes, with antivirus disabled and as an administrator.

after digging into it, it seems our latest tweaks on the website tweaked what was being downloaded. it was handing out the zip file and not the exe, but using the 'nice name' of the exe. i've corrected it and verified all signatures. you should be good to go.

if you have any other issues, please let me know.
Now i can download and use Keyclone. Thx a lot!!!
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