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Error File not found

  I have tried a few time to download the new file but everytime i go to open it it tells me (Error File not found) Any suggestions on how i can get this to work?
could be a browser issue.
the current direct link is:
 Application not found is what i get now wtf 
the application it's looking for is something to open the zip file.

if you're on windows, you can try the winzip self extractor here:

you will need to allow it to run and verify the destination folder.  click the 'browse' button and manuvuer your way to your wow/interface/addon folder.  do not go into the oqueue folder as that will create a folder in a folder.  once you;ve dbl click the addon folder.. hit 'ok'... and then hit the 'unzip' button in the upper right.  after completed, just close all that and restart your wow

   TY Tiny This link did the job.....