Disable auto invite.

I clicked on a raid in oqueue and went afk after not thinking they were inviting (like 15 minutes). I had closed the oqueue window and thoguht nothing about it. I went afk after that 15 minutes and came back about 30 minutes later to find I was in the raid.

Can you let us know if there is a way to prevent auto inviting? There should be a request to join that you can accept or decline but it should not just auto join you. that's slightly distrubing and intrusive.

Not sure if you are willing to make any changes now that Blizzard has pretty much shut you down once wod comes out but I wanted to see anyway.

Oh and the having battlenet "friends" be added even when the addon is disabled is pretty much just wrong.
"Oh and the having battlenet "friends" be added even when the addon is disabled is pretty much just wrong."

I think you can disable that, maybe the remove b-tag option on the setup tab.

Although I wouldn't think that could happen if you disable it from the WoW login screen. I haven't seen that happen anyways and I used to disable it all the time.
the auto-invite decision is made when you click the wait list. don't want to join the group? then don't wait list.

if you want to delist from all groups, you can do this: /oq delist

as for friends being added, that can happen in 2 ways. while oQueue is enabled, if you receive a mesh request, you may auto-accept/decline their request. if you're getting friended but oQueue is disabled, that is due to an outstanding find-mesh related friend request you sent out.

when you receive a response after clicking find-mesh, you send out 6 btag friend requests. those people that are online will accpet and you get friended, increasing your connection to the mesh. if they are not online, the next time they are... your request will be excepted.
i've made a modification for 1.96 that will not auto-accept any mesh requests older then 1 hour or from opposite faction
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