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Battle tag missing or invalid on my main, not on alts.... wtf?

Yes i do have a battletag, and yes its working. I press O and see my battletag and friends.  When i type /oq stats next to my btag is has an X and says no battle tag assigned....
AGAIN this is only the problem on my main. OQ on my alts works fine
why is this an issue??? also i did try to delete the WTF file on the char. 
on the character which you are having problems please do this in your chat area:

 /script print(GetCVar( "realmList" ));

This will output what your realm list is set to.

Also, are you a eu or us player?

i am us player, and i logged in and out a Bunch of times and now it works. :/ not sure what happened there.
thank you for the help though if it happens again i will refer back to here. <3
I'm having the same issue OQ says invalid battletag on only one character. The script you listed says i am logged into I am a US player also. Any suggestions?
try this:

/oq harddrop