Battle net goes down when switching characters

With 1.9.4 it seems that everytime I switch to another character on my account, battle net goes down. I have tested for a few days now by making sure oqueue is disabled in addons on all charcters and do not have any issues. As soon as I re-enable oqueue and swap characters, bnet is reported as down as soon as I change to another character.

While this has gone on off and on for several verions, it seems that 1.9.4 does this every time now.

I do my best to keep my battle tag friend list to 6 or fewer so the friends list is never too large. It seems that something in oqueue and switching characters is causing the disconnect with bnet.
is actually down or is it just a message you see in your chat area?

when first logging in, your ui may not have connection but would regain connection within a few seconds
I was having this same issue. I put in a ticket waited the billion years it takes to get a response and the GM sent me to delete my blizzard entertainment cache it seems to work its been 2 weeks and I havent been disconnected from in game or while i switch toons any more... yet.
I am going to try this solution that ghostlier suggested. Will update with what I find.

ETA: 11,590 files, over 350mb of data... holy crap that's a lot of cache files.
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