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1.8.6a Battletag not detected

Just updated to 1.8.6a and my is functioning properly, But I get the error. Image attached.

I relogged and have the same issue.

Im having the same issue. I just updated to 1.8.6a and recieved this error on the first time I logged in after the update. 
Try the following:

/oq harddrop
Try the following:

/oq harddrop
Worked for me
/oq harddrop
no working for me...what to do?

no working for me...what to do?

Do you have a battletag?

no working for me...what to do?

Do you have a battletag?
I think my OQ bugged somehow. Today I got the "battletag missing" error on my warlock (my mage and priest worked fine), to fix that i did an /oq harddrop followed by a /reload ui. But now I cant seem to join any OQ raid... when I click on "wait list" instead of going immediately to "pending" nothing happens... it's just stuck like that. It doesn't seem to be a communication problem because when I try to join a password protected raid it does ask me for the password.

Could it have to do with the numer of people in friends list? Earlier today I got several wow error messages saying "you have reached the cap before the cap" and i think it started removing randomly friends from my list... 

Any idea what it could be? thanks in advance.
you are only allowed 100 bnet friends.  of course, if you get to 100, your wow will crash (thx blizz!)

on the find-premade tab, top right, it will show the current number of bnet friends you have.  if its 98 or higher, remove some.