Nothing showing in oqueue

Ok so I have looked around before making this post, I have oqueue open and nothing is showing in raids, arena, bgs, premade bgs. 0 groups

So I have connection, currently 420-9, I have also adjusted the time so local matches the server and then unclick the time matching to just server time, still noting. I have moved my computer time to GMT time on Oqueue (when I change my computer time to GMT time it then changes Oqueue GMT time, not sure if that affects it) and still nothing, and in every step ive hit find mesh. So this is as far as ive gotten, also please ive un-installed and redownloaded multiple times so dont bring that up. any help would be awesome

also had this problem. Click the "find relation" in the lower right corner of the addon

I apparently was about to post about same problem as OP. The Screen is completely coal black, nothing on it.

Warshander suggested "find relation" on lower right corner of the add-on. I don't happen to find this, only "find mesh" which I believe he's talking about. My connection seem to say 0-1 and everything outside the client. (The game itself and other add ons I use, works perfectly) So... yeah... was hoping on getting my flex runs done tonight.

  1. verify the version at the top center
  2. hit clear filters
  3. hit find mesh
  4. go to the setup tab. lower right. compare oQueue's GMT to actual
  5. if GMT is incorrect, adjust your system clock
  6. if you adjusted your system clock, type: /oq tz 0

Thank tiny, I figure if I added 120min (it would match my local time) I got names popping up :)

Edit: Never mind this lasted for short 10min then its back to default. I've tried chaning the /oq tz -120 and /oq tz 120. Spam click filter and find mesh and nothing.

to fix your system clock

  1. hit windows key on your keyboard
  2. left click clock and select 'change date & time settings'
  3. below clock face, verify your timezone
  4. if timezone is incorrect, click 'change time zone' and select proper tz
  5. once timezone selected, hit ok and come back to clock face
  6. click 'internet time' tab
  7. click 'change settings'
  8. check 'synchronize with an internet time server'
  9. pick a time server
  10. click 'update now'
  11. repeat #10 until successful
  12. hit ok on 'internet time settings'
  13. hit ok on 'date and time'
  14. back in game, type: /oq tz 0

that's it. the gmt displayed on oQueue's setup tab will now match the real gmt

Tried this, still not working.

assuming you've got 2.0.1 installed, these are the steps to connect to the mesh

please recheck the steps

I followed all the steps accordingly. It's -still- not working.

I am EST

The server I am on is 1 hour behind me.

The GMT shows 4 hours ahead of me when really, it should be 5.

I have syncronized multiple times, same results. Still getting absolutely no groups to show up on OQ.

I never had this problem until this new patch came out.

catch me in vent tomorrow and i'll walk you thru it. : 4135 room 0

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